Cultural Learnings of Life For Make Benefit Glorious Humanbeings

Just very very random thoughts about life around me, how to learn from one another and take life as it comes.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Daily living

Time passes...and no matter where, one always develops the daily routines. Mine are more or less the following: Around 7:30am I get up, shower, eat some breakfast kind of stuff that I manage to find from my modest storage and leave for work. I am usually at work around 9:00am (Depending on whether I catch the 8:43 buss that delivers me on time. Otherwise I take the 8:53 and am a bit late.) Then I try to keep myself occupied for the next 8,5 hours. It has been a bit hard lately though. I do not have that much to do as we are in the process of getting one project started, but as usual these things take time. So I am keeping my fingers crossed that the pace will speed up. Otherwise I'll have to conduct a serious motivation talk with my supervisor Oh, and she is now on sick leave at least for 1,5 weeks, cause here in CZ it is something like, the more you stay home the more you will earn some compensation, so a short few days sick leave makes your poor ass suffer even more! But nay! This is not me complaning. It is all ultimately part of a cultural experience.

So, after a day of "work" I come home, eat something and see if there is something cool to be done. Like drinking beer or smth. Lately I have even been considering getting a hobby, like gym or smth. Now though, I have to postpone that as well cause I am feeling a little sick. I gues I am all worn out because of the weekend extravaganza we had with a bucnh of trainees in AIESEC CZ national conference, which was held on a really beautiful site. (Pics here). Of course, there was again a lot of beer drinking...

Weekends have been not that numerous by far, but I have managed to do some traveling. Tomi was here and we went to Praha and Vienna, which are only like a reindeer's piss away. Other daily routines include little household thingies like laundry. And I was just few seconds ago reminded about this fact in the form of all my dirty clothes falling over me from on the top of my closet where I keep them.

As I have told before we are five in the flat, which I've come to notice is damn many. So practically, in the morning the place is buzzling as an early morning fish market, when all of us try to get ourselves ready. Luckily, to ease the rush hour, there are various little tricks one can do, like keep the toothbrush outside the bathroom so that you can brush your teeth also in the kitchen. So all in all, it is not that bad. And I am sure, that being alone will feel weird and I'll be missing all the hassle.

So this is my life for now. And I am liking it! :)


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